Saturday, June 08, 2013

On, 10/11-Jun, the Monsoon is expected to push into Bengal and some parts of Bihar ...

#Monsoon expected for #Kolkata on 10 / 11-Jun

During next 2 days, T.showers expected for N,N-W,central,E.Maharastra, central,S,E.Gujarat and S,W.Madhyapradesh..

For next 2 days, T.showers expected for S.Chatisgarh, scattered over Odisha and over N,N-E.Andhra...

From Monday, increase in rainfall expected for most of E.India (Chatisgarh, Jharkand, Bengal & Bihar) ...

Scattered heavy rain to continue for most zones over N-E states of India during next 3 days !

Less showers expected for interior of S.Peninsula and S-E Peninsula during next 2 or 3 days...

.. but evening showers or T.Shower expected for #Chennai, N-E.Tamilnadu and S.Andhra coast during next 3 days.

Showers expected to push from E.India from 11-Jun, expected to shower over E,central Uttarpradesh, E.Madhyapradesh, N.Chatisgarh on 11-Jun

On 12-Jun, more rain expected for entire Central India and into Central,W.Uttarpradesh and into #Delhi, Uttarakand..

@parshwati >> #Delhi - T.showers expected from evening of 12-Jun to 16-Jun.. and more!