Today, the N-N-W.Arabian sea circulation has intensified slightly and tracked as "96A" ...
2:30pm, Satellite Visible reveals the clouding along Arabian sea circulation "96A" ...
Due to this "96A" circulation over Arabian sea, the #Monsoon is less active along Karnataka, Kerala coast today..
3pm, Showers continue over S,central Kerala ...
Another circulation is seen over N-central Bay .. and it is tracked as "97B".
The N.Arabian sea circulation is expected to drift up to Oman coast and die on 6-Jun ...
Due to "96A", the #Monsoon is expected to be weak along Karnataka, Kerala till 6-Jun. On 7-Jun, Monsoon is expected to push into #Goa.
Meanwhile the Bay circulation "97B" is expected to drift up to Odisha, Bengal coast and fizzle out on tomorrow.
Latest COLA and IMD model suggests that #Monsoon will break into #Mumbai on 9 / 10-Jun !
2:30pm, Satellite Visible reveals the clouding along Arabian sea circulation "96A" ...
Due to this "96A" circulation over Arabian sea, the #Monsoon is less active along Karnataka, Kerala coast today..
3pm, Showers continue over S,central Kerala ...
Another circulation is seen over N-central Bay .. and it is tracked as "97B".
The N.Arabian sea circulation is expected to drift up to Oman coast and die on 6-Jun ...
Due to "96A", the #Monsoon is expected to be weak along Karnataka, Kerala till 6-Jun. On 7-Jun, Monsoon is expected to push into #Goa.
Meanwhile the Bay circulation "97B" is expected to drift up to Odisha, Bengal coast and fizzle out on tomorrow.
Latest COLA and IMD model suggests that #Monsoon will break into #Mumbai on 9 / 10-Jun !