#HOT on 24-Jun, highest Maximum temperature of 45.0 °C was recorded at Churu (Rajasthan)
#HOT at 1:30pm, Jaipur = 37 C, Ahmedabad, Amristar = 36 C, While #Delhi and Patna is at 33 C.
#Kolkata airport has reported "Rain with Thunderstorm" at 1:50pm.
At 1:10pm, Nagpur airport has also reported "Rain with thunderstorm".
#Chennai - #HOT, at 1:40pm temperature was around 36 C. Mild breeze from W-S-W.
#Chennai - Today as well, there's a chance of evening short sharp shower over some parts of city.
1:30pm, Heavy rain over N-W,W.Uttarpradesh, Cloudy with mild rain over Uttarakhand, T.showers over S,central Bengal. http://ow.ly/i/2rAeK
1:30pm, HEAVY rain over S.chatisgarh, E,N,central Maharastra, S,S-E.Madhyapradesh and into S.Jharkand .. http://ow.ly/i/2rAeK
1:30pm, Heavy rain along S,central Maharastra coast, scattered along Karnataka coast and over Kerala .. http://ow.ly/i/2rAeK
#HOT at 1:30pm, Jaipur = 37 C, Ahmedabad, Amristar = 36 C, While #Delhi and Patna is at 33 C.
#Kolkata airport has reported "Rain with Thunderstorm" at 1:50pm.
At 1:10pm, Nagpur airport has also reported "Rain with thunderstorm".
#Chennai - #HOT, at 1:40pm temperature was around 36 C. Mild breeze from W-S-W.
#Chennai - Today as well, there's a chance of evening short sharp shower over some parts of city.
1:30pm, Heavy rain over N-W,W.Uttarpradesh, Cloudy with mild rain over Uttarakhand, T.showers over S,central Bengal. http://ow.ly/i/2rAeK
1:30pm, HEAVY rain over S.chatisgarh, E,N,central Maharastra, S,S-E.Madhyapradesh and into S.Jharkand .. http://ow.ly/i/2rAeK
1:30pm, Heavy rain along S,central Maharastra coast, scattered along Karnataka coast and over Kerala .. http://ow.ly/i/2rAeK