Wednesday, May 08, 2013

"92B" - Slowly grouping now, Expected to move N-N-W from 11-May

Latest position of "92 B" is 5.8 N , 86 E.

The system is expected to persist without intensifying over South Bay for next 2 days !
COLA, IMD and NOGAPS models expects that the system will start intensifying from 10-May over S-S-E Bay.

According to COLA, From 11-May, the system is expected to be a Depression and expects to track in N-N-W direction into Bay.
While NOGAPS model suggests that the system will attain Depression strength on 11-May over S-S-E Bay and then track N-N-W and then move N-E.
The system is expected to track towards Myanmar or Bangladesh ! and this is good for Bay wing of South West Monsoon.
By 13-May-2013, the South West Monsoon is expected to reach Southern Andaman Islands.