Today, a circulation is seen over E.Madhyapradesh and its extension can be seen upto N.Kerala(even seen uto S.Kerala)
Another low level circulation seen over N.Bengal, Sikkim and its extension seen upto N.Bay ...
Today, 2 circulation seen over Bay, one over S.Bay along 5th parallel and another over E-S-E Bay ...
Due to upcoming W.D, the circulation over E.Madhyapradesh is expected to vanish in next 24hrs .!
But the N.Bengal, Sikkim circulation is expected to persist for another 3 days !..
Another low level circulation seen over N.Bengal, Sikkim and its extension seen upto N.Bay ...
Today, 2 circulation seen over Bay, one over S.Bay along 5th parallel and another over E-S-E Bay ...
Due to upcoming W.D, the circulation over E.Madhyapradesh is expected to vanish in next 24hrs .!
But the N.Bengal, Sikkim circulation is expected to persist for another 3 days !..