RT @aash_tvm: Itz raining here at #Trivandrum! #kerala #Malayalam @weatherofindia (11:30am)
2pm, Lots of showers seen over S.Kerala and S.Tamilnadu, some more rain popping over interior Tamilnadu at this time http://ow.ly/i/1EB5I
West Maharastra continues to be HOT.. highest maximum temperature of 42.0°C
was recorded at Bhira ( Maharashtra )
2pm, http://ow.ly/i/1EB5I >> W.D is affecting Kashmir with Rain and cloudy over Punjab, N.Haryana and Himachal.
2pm, Lots of showers seen over S.Kerala and S.Tamilnadu, some more rain popping over interior Tamilnadu at this time http://ow.ly/i/1EB5I
West Maharastra continues to be HOT.. highest maximum temperature of 42.0°C
was recorded at Bhira ( Maharashtra )
2pm, http://ow.ly/i/1EB5I >> W.D is affecting Kashmir with Rain and cloudy over Punjab, N.Haryana and Himachal.