Dry & Cold Winds from N-W India is now reaching upto N.Bay .. http://ow.ly/i/1lE2U
These DRY & COLD N-W winds are expected to diverge from N.Bay towards Andhra and N.Tamilnadu coast from 12/13-Jan.. http://ow.ly/i/1lE5f
On 12-Jan, Almost NO moisture will be left over Tamilnadu, and a NEW Anti-cyclone will move into Maharastra .. http://ow.ly/i/1lEe2
These DRY & COLD N-W winds are expected to diverge from N.Bay towards Andhra and N.Tamilnadu coast from 12/13-Jan.. http://ow.ly/i/1lE5f
On 12-Jan, Almost NO moisture will be left over Tamilnadu, and a NEW Anti-cyclone will move into Maharastra .. http://ow.ly/i/1lEe2