Dharamsala Weather for the ODI on Sunday, 27th:
Clear morning turning cloudy later..Day's high will be 18c and low will be 7c (28th morning)...as it is a day match, the playing temperatures will be from around 10c in the morning to max 18c by afternoon.
General Weather Situation and Forecast for this Weekend:
Friday 25th/Saturday 26th, the trough Strengthens and expected to run West to East roughly along the 19N line and from 75E thru eastwards upto Orissa coast.
Friday 25th: Light rains likely in Marathwada, Vidarbh and adjoining Southern MP. South Madhya Mah. will be partky cloudy.
Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th will be dry days for the Sub-Continent region...barring light rains in small pockets in Marathwada and adjoining Vidarbh.