Maharashtra, Karnataka and parts of AP are experiencing a cold wave on Sunday, 18th November. Partly due to an anti-cyclone over central India. The greatest departure was in the Vidharbha/Rayalseema region.
Temperatures as on 18th November with departures:
Chennai Ap was 17.2c a departure of 5.5c from the normal, and City at 17.6c was 5.3c below.
Hyderabad 12.4, 4.8c below.In AP. Anantpur at 11c was 9c below normal.
Mumbai Scruz was 15.2c, 6c below the normal. Ahmadnagar at 7.8c was the lowset in Mahrashtra and was 7c below normal. Highest departure was in Yeotmal which saw 10c and was 8c below normal. Nagpur saw 10.5c, 4.9c below.
In Karnataka, Bijapur and Raichur which were at 9c was 10c below the normal and Belgaum at 7.7c was 9c below. Gadag was 12.9c again 5.1c below.
For update on cyclone a depression see vagaries..