Today, the monsoon LOW can be seen over E.Madhyapradesh & Chatisgarh ...
The monsoon LOW is expected to persist over N-E.Madhyapradesh for next 48hrs and then vanish.
Offshore trough along S-W coast persists and it'll persist as a weak trough for next 3 days.
Monsoon axis will be more tilted towards North near Himalayan foothills from today till 18-Sep.
Low level circulation can be seen over E,S-E.Madhyapradesh.. and expected to vanish in another 36hrs...
From 13/14-Sep, the Monsoon axis to become strong and will be tilted more to North along Himalayan foot hills..
Today, the UAC can be seen over N,N-W.Maharastra & S-W.Madhyapradesh...
And a weak UAC can be seen over N,N-E.Andhra .. and this'll vanish in next 12hrs ...
Latest models suggest that no UAC expected from Bay till 18-Sep !
The monsoon LOW is expected to persist over N-E.Madhyapradesh for next 48hrs and then vanish.
Offshore trough along S-W coast persists and it'll persist as a weak trough for next 3 days.
Monsoon axis will be more tilted towards North near Himalayan foothills from today till 18-Sep.
Low level circulation can be seen over E,S-E.Madhyapradesh.. and expected to vanish in another 36hrs...
From 13/14-Sep, the Monsoon axis to become strong and will be tilted more to North along Himalayan foot hills..
Today, the UAC can be seen over N,N-W.Maharastra & S-W.Madhyapradesh...
And a weak UAC can be seen over N,N-E.Andhra .. and this'll vanish in next 12hrs ...
Latest models suggest that no UAC expected from Bay till 18-Sep !