Monday, September 17, 2012

Heavy rain forecast for Kashmir, Punjab, Himachal & Uttarakand due to W.D for next 2 days ..

Scattered rain over Central,E.Uttarpradesh and most of E.India will continue for next 3/4 days ..

Scattered Heavy rain over Most of North N-E states will continue beyond 20-Sep.

From 20-Sep, there'll be almost ZERO rainfall over N,N-W,West India ...

For next 3 days showers over E,E-central India and Orissa will continue ...

After 19-Sep, Almost NO rain forecast for entire W,S-W coast !!

Meanwhile showers for S,S-E Karnataka, S.Andhra, N-E.Tamilnadu & #chennai will continue till 20-Sep.

... in fact Heavy rains forecast after 19-Sep as a fresh UAC is expected along S.Andhra coast.