Saturday, July 07, 2012

RT @priyanka_pandit: Perfect weather to be in Kolkata.. cool & not too humid yet, with dark clouds full of rain looming in the sky (12:56pm)

#Kolkata airport reports RAIN at 12:20pm

#chennai - 1:09pm, Having a clear & HOT day so far. Records 37.0°C at 12:40pm and mild winds from West continue.

Past 2 days, #chennai , N.Tamilnadu & S.Andhra had good conditions for a evening T.shower but did not materialize.

... T.showers for S.Andhra, N.Tamilnadu did not materialize due to lack of monsoon moisture.

Today as well, the vertical velocity along S.Andhra, N.Tamilnadu & #chennai is HIGH. more chances of evening T.showers.