Saturday, July 28, 2012

London Olympics Weather Forecasting Duel: UK Met office leads Piers Corbyn 1-0

This is part of our continuous coverage of the on-going duel between the UK Met Office and Piers Corbyn on the accuracy of their weather forecasts during the Olympics.
The UK Met Office promises dry and shiny weather all through the Olympics while we have Piers Corbyn, astrophysicist and owner of Weather Action who predicts a damp and rainy.  

The UK Met Office took a 1-0 lead but only just. The organizers of the London Olympics also got very fortunate with the weather for the opening ceremony. A rainstorm passed overhead before the ceremony began, but it left as quickly as it came, and that was it. Talk about lucky breaks, especially when you build an open-air stadium in London in the summertime.
By 8:45 p.m. in London, 15 minutes before the Ceremony was set to begin, the rain had stopped. At 8:55 p.m., it started again. On and off and on and off.
Considering that Piers Corbyn made his forecasts more than 40 days in advance, this was forecasting at its really best and he could be considered a trifle unlucky for missing the mark by a whisker the very first day of the Olympics.
But the race is not over. In fact, it has just begun with 15 days left for the Olympics. And Piers Corbyn apparently holds the edge in the rounds ahead.

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