In next 36 hrs, the Showers along entire S-W coast is expected to reduce drastically and persist till 16-Jul...
From 13-Jul, entire himalayan foothills will get strong showers 17-Jul.
N.Madhyapradesh, #Delhi and N-W Uttarpradesh to get showers till 15-Jul.. due to the circulation ...
Entire E.India, entire N-E states and S-E coast to get scattered heavy rains from 13-Jul till 17-Jul ...
Very heavy & widespread rains forecast for entire N,central of N-E states from 13-Jul... >> #Bad #News for Assam floods
Showers for N,N-E.Andhra, S.Karnataka, S.Andhra, N.Tamilnadu and #chennai to become more likely from tomorrow till 17-Jul
From 13-Jul, entire himalayan foothills will get strong showers 17-Jul.
N.Madhyapradesh, #Delhi and N-W Uttarpradesh to get showers till 15-Jul.. due to the circulation ...
Entire E.India, entire N-E states and S-E coast to get scattered heavy rains from 13-Jul till 17-Jul ...
Very heavy & widespread rains forecast for entire N,central of N-E states from 13-Jul... >> #Bad #News for Assam floods
Showers for N,N-E.Andhra, S.Karnataka, S.Andhra, N.Tamilnadu and #chennai to become more likely from tomorrow till 17-Jul