Saturday, July 14, 2012

In 24hrs, Heavy rains forecast for entire Himalayan foothills & North N-E states ..

In 24hrs, COLA predicts scattered rains for Central,N-E Maharastra..

Heavy rains to start over Chatisgarh, N-E Maharastra, S-E.Madhyapradesh from tomorrow and expected to last for 3 days..

From today till 18-Jul, Heavy & widespread rains for Sikkim, N.Bengal and North N-E states ...

Good rains forecast for Orissa and S-E coast upto N-central Tamilnadu till 18-Jul !!

Showers are going to be moderate / light from today till 16-Jul along entire S-W coast.

Monsoon rains are expected to strengthen again along Maharastra coast from evening of 16-Jul..