Wednesday, July 04, 2012

For 24hrs, Heavy rain forecast for Maharastra coast, S,S-W Gujarat, Madhyapradesh & entire E.India, Himalyan foot hills

Very heavy rains forecast for Himalayan foot hills from UP, Bihar, Sikkim, N.Bengal and Arunachal pradesh till 8-Jul..

Rain will get reduced along entire S-W coast from today evening till 7-Jul and pickup again along Goa & Karnataka coast.

Latest forecasts reveal that Monsoon may not reach W.Uttarpradesh & Delhi by 6/7-Jul.. Bad News !! 1 or 2 showers possible.

Monsoon showers will reach upto N.Madhyapradesh, central Uttarpradesh by today and it's not expected to push beyond that !

HEavy & Widespread rains forecast for E.UP, central,E.Madhyapradesh, Bihar, N.Chatisgarh and Jharkand forn next 3 days..

By today evening Showers will reach Lucknow & Allahabad !