Tuesday, July 10, 2012

12pm, Heavy rains seen over Gujarat, S.Rajasthan, Fresh rains popping over E.Rajasthan, S.Punjab, Orissa & Jharkand.. http://ow.ly/i/L2PS

12pm, Heavy rains along coastal Karnataka, N.central #Kerala as well... http://ow.ly/i/L2PS

Yesterday also N.Tamilnadu got some T.showers, showers were close to around 100km S-W of #chennai

#chennai - 1:07pm, is very HOT & Humid today, records 36.0°C at 12:40pm. Good cloud formations seen. Having signs of early sea breeze.

RT @chirag_roshan: @weatherofindia Raining From Early Morning in Mehsana North Gujarat Still Continue !! (1:07pm)

Today vertical.V will be high over Gujarat, S,E.Rajasthan, W,N.Madhyapradesh, Orissa, Chatisgarh & Karnataka coast.. http://ow.ly/i/L2TF

All thru the day, Vertical.V will be high along coast, S.Karnataka, N.Tamilnadu, N.MP, S.Andhra.. Heavy rains expected. http://ow.ly/i/L2UC

Vertical.V will be high along S.Andhra, N.Tamilnadu, #chennai from today evening till midnight, Heavy rains expected.. http://ow.ly/i/L2Vk