Tuesday, June 19, 2012

IMD :: "heat wave conditions has abated from entire northwest India".. On 18-Jun,max. temp. of 44.6°C has been recorded at Churu (Rajasthan)

RT @rajugana: @weatherofindia Baroda 9.30am, Sunny, humid and windy, with passing clouds but not dark enough. No rain for the past two days. 

RT @citybazaar: I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/XHsd7hnf First Monsoon Rain in Mumbai and Maharashtra 

RT @arunpillai666: Its cold damp morning in #Palakkad #kerala. its raining hard and there are dark clouds in the horizon, might rain all day

11am, almost NO rain along entire Maharastra coast .. Heavy rains continue along Karnataka, N,central.kerala coast.. http://ow.ly/i/HSi6 

RT @kaymenon: @weatherofindia #Rain over Trivandrum is only a night affair!Sky at 12:20PM:Bright n Sunny sans wind http://t.co/tAe6Wt9Y