Thursday, June 21, 2012

Critique: ICRIER-Gene Campaign Policy Paper : Climate Agriculture & Food Security

CRIER, an independent economic policy think tank founded in 1981 with our Prime Minister, ManMohan Singh as one of its co-founders. Last month, ICRER published a document under their policy series entitled “Impact of Climate Agriculture & Food Security”.

Read the full study here

ICRIER invited reactions from the public for this research paper authored by Anna Ranuzzi and S Richa, researchers with NGO, Gene Campaign.

On one hand, our post critiques the ICRIER-GC paper and on the other hand we offer an alternative theory to climate change. If the axiom of any paper can be demolished using scientific evidence, the whole edifice of the paper crumbles down. This would make the solutions recommended by the ICRIER-GC paper practically meaningless. That in short would be the primary objective of this critique, structured into 5 sections as follows: 

1. Continued re-positioning signals a total retreat of AGW Theory

2. Given the performance record of AGW computer modelling, why should their warnings be taken seriously?

3. How has climate changed in the past and what can we learn from them in terms of its impact on agriculture?

4. What is the basis for predicting future climate?

5. What is in store for us the next 25-30 years in terms of climate change? Which strategic direction should agriculture adapt? 

Any reactions to this critique are welcome and we would be pleased to publish any rebuttals in our blog.

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