Tuesday, February 07, 2012

As deaths crossed 420, from Save the Arctic Europeans are praying save us from the Arctic!

Don't go by a little warmth around, the chill is expected to return in a few days. The India Meteorological Department has predicted colder day temperatures for the next three days over north-west India, including Delhi. 

The maximum temperatures in the Capital will remain below normal by two to four degree Celsius while minimum temperatures will shoot up above the normal. But minimum temperatures are expected to fall even lower to 4°C on Wednesday and Thursday. The expected fall in temperatures is due to a western disturbance which is likely to cause snowfall over J&K and Himachal Pradesh. Uttarakhand is also expected to receive snowfall.

If you think this is cold, then think again. In Ukraine temperatures are near minus 40 deg C. Death toll in Europe has crossed 420.  From Save the Arctic Europeans are praying save us from the Arctic!