The well oiled fear machine of this richly funded criminal conspiracy called global warming has crossed its "tipping point". Malcolm Gladwell, defined the tipping point as "the moment of critical mass, the threshold, the boiling point." Tipping point accordingly is similar to what happens if you were to prick an inflated balloon with a needle. As John Costello, a sceptic observed:
"While collective sadomasochism somehow seemed like a romantic idea at the time, it quickly lost its charm as it dropped precipitously out of fashion. Die-hard climate alarmists are shaking their heads in disbelief: how could decades of careful and meticulous brainwashing collapse in a matter of mere months? But their plaintive hand-wringing is itself falling on deaf ears, as their followers desert the sinking ship in droves"
We sceptics can now sit back to sip cold beer to enjoy the tragic comedy each day brings of this collapse. The exponential cataclysm of climate alarmism is so rapid that it has been a strain on us poor bloggers to keep up with the avalanche of its developments. But we try our best to capture the most significant within limits of our resource constraints.
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Sunday, August 07, 2011
Pushed past their tipping point, climate alarmism collapses like a deck of cards
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