Thursday, July 21, 2011

Why Cherrapunji can not beat Kollur this year in South West Monsoon rainfall

As you can see the graphs of heavy rainfall places from various zones of the country.
  1. North - Dharamshala
  2. South - Agumbe
  3. East - Cherrapunji & Passighat
  4. West - Mahabelshwar
Cherrapunji gets its maximum rains from June to August, beyond that the rainfall decreases drastically. When comparing it to the rains of Southern giant Agumbe the pattern is similar Cherrapunji beats Agumbe by 500 mm in June and by 350 mm in July. The tables are turned in August where Agumbe gets whopping 750 mm more rainfall than Cherrapunji.

SWM Rainfall in mm as on 20.07.2011 (50 days) (min 2750 mm)
  1. Kollur (Karnataka) - 4332
  2. Dajipur (Maharashtra) - 3780
  3. Sangameshwar (Maharashtra) - 3557
  4. Agumbe (Karnataka) - 3523
  5. Gaganbawada (Maharashtra) - 3519
  6. Kitwade (Maharashtra) - 3213
  7. Cherrapunji (Meghlaya) - 3020
  8. Kadra (Karnataka) - 3000
  9. Soliwade (Maharashtra) - 2855
  10. Quepem (Goa) - 2805
  11. Mahabaleshwar (Maharashtra) - 2768
  12. Siddapura (Karnataka) - 2750
Considering this Kollur which also has similar rainfall of Agumbe. The difference between Kollur and Cherrapunji is 1300 mm even if both get their average rainfall in August. The lead is going to extend further only.
Even Gaganbawada and Sangameshwar which get good rains in August will have good chance to beat Cherrapunji this year in the SWM.

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