Saturday, August 28, 2010

Cloud Motion Vector

This latest cloud motion vector depicts the movement of clouds along the wind. It indicated the strength of Wind at Tibet. It may be inferred that North Coastal AP, Orissa Coast, South Bihar and to some extend South AP and North Coastal districts of TN may get rainfall.
[Courtesy: IMD CMV imagery]


  1. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Though NOT much rainfall realised, it has been cloudy in the above said areas especially S-CAP & N-TN coast etc. This indicated formation of vortex at 1000m or above. Only when there is some circulation then lower mid tropospheric easterly will bring rainfall. Good analysis.
    Thank you

  2. Hi!!
    I have been looking up at the images of cloud motion vectors on the IMD site..but i dont really follow how to interpret the in how does one get the direction of the vectors??
