Thursday, June 03, 2010

Update of "Phet" @7pm IST

Update of "Phet" @7pm IST:
The Cyclonic Storm's (CAT4),current location is 20.0N 59.4E within 100 Kms South East of Oman Coast. 
But certainly not gaining intensity, on the contrary getting weaker, very slightly. Last 2 postings on this blog shows "Phet" getting weaker slightly, and now heading North.Winds are at 105 Knots, with central pressure of about 944 Mb. The Wave height is 10 meters. But it still remains at CAT 4.
Cyclone PHET has changed track to a Northerly towards Oman from the earlier North Westwards direction. There could be initial landfall over OMAN  within 12 Hours due to Northerly track change.The track has changed due to the W.D. racing ahead of the cyclone. (See previous blog update for this).

Indian Coastline now seems to be safe and no longer in the track path of "Phet".

Meanwhile, the heat wave is still on. It now has spread to the east, with the eastern sector and central regions shooting up to the 45s and 46s. The Northern and western sectors, including Pakistan, which was bearing the brunt of 50+, is now between 43c-45c. (Due to the sporadic rains in this region from the prevailing W.D.) Map from IMD shows the shift.
Hottest in Asia: Basra(Iraq): 47c.
Hottest in India, Gaya: 45.5c
Hottest Night: New Delhi ,S,Jung: 34.7c