Tropical cyclone 03A has intensified quickly in the last 24 hours, and as a result, the storm has been renamed Tropical Storm Phet. Phet is located in the Arabian Sea, Northern Indian Ocean, and is threatening the Indian and Pakistani coastlines, NASA satellite imagery has claimed.
NASA's Aqua satellite flew over Tropical Storm Phet on June 1 at 9:11 UTC (5:11 EDT) and captured an infrared image of the cloud top temperatures. The image indicated large areas of high, cold cloud tops, as cold as -63 degrees Fahrenheit, indicating strong convection.
At 1500 UTC (11 a.m. EDT) on June 1, Tropical Storm Phet had maximum sustained winds near 55 knots (62 mph) with higher gusts. Phet was located about 550 miles south-southwest of Karachi, Pakistan, near 16.8 North and 62.2 East. Phet is moving to the northwest near 6 knots (7 mph).
Current landmasses threatened by Phet include: India (Gujarat), Pakistan (Sindh and Balochistan).
Phet is forecast to continue strengthening and turn northeast later this week. The Joint Typhoon Warning Center forecasts landfall by the end of the week in the border area between India and Pakistan.
Regional warnings are already in effect for the Indian and Pakistani coastlines from Thursday on. The Indian Meteorological Department's Regional Specialized Meteorological Center noted on June 1, "Under the influence of this system, fairly widespread rainfall with isolated heavy to very heavy falls would commence over coastal areas of Gujarat from June 3 and increase thereafter. Squally winds with speed reaching 55-65 kmph (34-40 mph) (with higher gusts) would commence along and off Gujarat coast from June 2 and increase gradually." (ANI)
Gales blowing at a speed of 55 kmph and thunderstorm claimed two lives and injured seven in Rajkot district on Tuesday night, even as met department issued an alert for a cyclone storm, christened Phet, that may hit the state’s coast in the next 48 hours.
The hot and sultry weather underwent a dramatic change in several parts of the state, including Ahmedabad, which also witnessed lightening.
A deep depression over Arabian sea which has intensified into a cyclone storm will be preceded by stormy weather in next 24 hours, according to the met department.
Gujarat showers
Director, IMD, Gujarat, Kamaljit Ray said, “The depression over Arabian Sea moved north-westwards and lay centred about 1,030 km south-west of Naliya in Gujarat on Tuesday”.
Under the system’s influence, widespread rainfall with heavy to very heavy rainfall will be experienced on Gujarat coast from June 3 while stormy winds with speed reaching 55-65 kmph will commence off the coast from June 2 and increase gradually, a communiqué said. Meanwhile, those who died have been identified as Sanjay Baraiyya, 15, who was struck by lightening while working in an open field in Khakana village on the outskirts of Rajkot city. A woman working with him sustained severe injuries.
In Pipaliya village of Wankaner town of Rajkot district, a compound wall crashed due to windy weather, killing a woman identified as Guddiben on the spot. Six persons were also crushed under the debris and injured.
The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), Gujarat, has alerted people in the Kutch and Saurshtra coastal areas of a tropical storm brewing in Arabian Sea, which they predict may soon upgrade to a cyclone.
Saltpan workers, fishermen and labourers working in these areas have been issued warnings by district authorities in Kutch and Porbandar, asking them not to venture into the sea for the next 24 hours.
Chief Minister Narendra Modi reviewed the preparations in an emergency meeting held on Tuesday evening with senior government officials in the wake of cyclone warning.
Sources in the Met department said the cyclone named “Phet” will pack up winds of 120 kilometer/hr around its centre. The location of the cyclone is estimated to be around 16 degree north latitude and 63 degree east longitude, about 1,030 kilometers, south-west of Naliya
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