Emirate Flight encountered CAT at FLIGHT LEVEL 200.i.e at 20000 ft. near Goa to day 25.04.2010/0745 HRS IST.
Goa Observations at 00Z 25 Apr 2010
sn Pre (hPa) Ht(m) Dir spd[kt]
-- --------- ----- --- -------
1 548 5129 315 01
2 523 5497 307 10
3 494 5945 298 20
4 368 8192 292 31
5 343 8712 285 45
[Courtesy : Wyoming weather web]
This is a Clear Air Turbulence [CAT]. Further it indicates clear wind shear also. CAT can not be easily identifiable with RADARS. This leads to sudden altitude loss.
From FLT level 200 to level 050.
posted by Mr. Anonymous