Friday, April 30, 2010

Due to thunderstorms, resulting from W.D, over many parts of the Northern/Nort-Western regions of the country,maximum temperatures have fallen by 4-8°C over parts of west Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Karnataka and by 2-3°C over parts of Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Rayalaseema. (Day temp map from Univ. of Cologne attached).The fall into the late 30s is very visible here.
The highest, 43.4c in India, was at Churu (Rajasthan) and Daltonganj.
Meanwhile, day temperatures have also dropped in Maharashtra, with Washim, recording the highest today of 42c. This fall is attributed to the light rains all over the state, as a result of a trough running from W.Bengal to the South-East Arabian Sea.

And, to the contrary, Mumbai has become worst off after a drizzle on Friday morning. S'Cruz was high at 37c, and the humidity factor was unbearable as it was partly cloudy in the day.
I do not expect this rain in Maharashtra to last beyond Saturday.