Friday, November 20, 2009

Some useful TECHNICAL comments for our weather updates

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Yesterday's moisture push from South-east Bay is s...":

Yesterday [18.11.2009/WEDNESDAY-In CHENNAI]it was given to infer that a sea level high pressure in the WC bay veered with height. This veering wind helped transport moisture in SOUTH-North horizontal plane. This is referred to as 'WARM AIR ADVECTION" This enabled quick cumulus built up in SOUTH-NORTH horizontal plain along 77 to 78 Deg Longitude. Thus it rained heavily from USILAMPATTI, Periyakulam, to Hyderabad. However today [19.11.2009/THURSDAY] WAA moved towards further west.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Chennai - ALERT:: Watch out for a LOCAL heavy show...":

During early morning in Chennai from Beach SRly sub urban station to Chetpet SRLY sub urban station there was rain for atleast 10 min.[Today, the 20 Nov 2009]
The Quciscat sea wind shows winds converging at 10 Degree North Latitude i.e SE of Nagapatinam.
Towering cumulus in NE sector is visible.
The High pressure [1050 hPa] slides through Thai and Easterlies are filled in the Bay East of 80 Deg East. {Refer Thai Meteorological Department analysis]
The low pressure as usual lies beneath Cape Comorin and adjoining SW Bay.
Easterlies generating wave like patterns and give rain to TN coast soon.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Whole of India is moving into a DRY MJO phase from...":

Though SW monsoon is a giant wind [reversal] phenomenon where the winds originate from SOUTH INDIAN OCEAN in Southern Hemisphere, crosses the Equator, then turns to west and blows the western side of INDIA. Most of the Asian countries are benefited by this summer monsoon rainfall.
On contrary, NE monsoon winds emanate from high pressure area over land and winds emanating from this high passes through Bay of Bengal and moisture intake is comparatively less.
Tamilnadu, Coastal AP, Kerala is benefited mostly by this NEM.

Thanks for those great comments.
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