Wednesday, June 03, 2009

June likely to be less hot for Chennai

Original from::
posted on 31-May-09

CHENNAI: The hot, stuffy weather prevailing over the past few days may not last long. "It is still summer, but in June the mercury is unlikely to
cross 40 degrees Celsius on consecutive days as it did in May, or touch 42 degrees C," said Y E A Raj, deputy director general, Regional Meteorological Centre (RMC). Day temperatures may not go beyond 38 or 39 degree C. "Whether it will lead to better comfort level depends on the revival of the southwest monsoon, which has been dormant after setting in early," he added.

The formation of heavy clouds over the Bay of Bengal on Saturday is an encouraging sign and there are indications that the southwest monsoon may revive in the coming few days. "Already many districts received rainfall on Saturday and the weather is likely to improve," said Raj. Chennai, too, fared better, with the mercury recording 39 degrees C on Friday and Saturday, with the forecast for Sunday being 39 degrees C.

In the past decade, barring 1994 and 2004, day temperatures in May crossed 41 degree C. The highest ever - 45 degree C - was recorded on May 31, 1910 and in 2003. However, with the Met department forecasting 39 degree C for Sunday, it could mark the the beginning of better weather.