SO, what if heat is taking a toll on you? You can still relish in the cold weather rather in snow. Wonder, where you would find snow in this scorching summer here? Head to Snow World at Abhirami Mega Mall. The spacious place takes you to a world of snow that makes you to forget the heat. The snow world is made of 50 tonne snow that is made from purified mineral water that are kept frozen in -10 degree celsius. This first of its kind snow world has special effects to haunt you. It has a thunder and lighting effects. Besides that it can drench you in a snowfall with its 140-kilometre speed snowstorm. There is also a 50 feet high fiery slide, which not just kids, but elders too can slide and have a great fun. Though, there is nothing that can stop a person at the end of the slide, when a person slides down, the person might only hit the iron rods that acts as a fence to the automatic fan that creates the snowstorm.
There are also the ice sculptures (crystal museum) that one can watch and enjoy besides the large Eskimo house that kids can play in besides making ice balls, playing in the snow and taking a ride on the wooden sledge. For a fee of Rs 150, a person gets a thermal coat and boots that can keep you warm. One can spend 20 minutes and once you get out of the snow world, you are given a hot cup of coffee to get you back to the normal temperature. Once you visit the place you get a passport that will have discount coupons that one can use when they revisit and avail discount for the entry fee.
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