Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Monsoon predicted date (20-May-09) may change..

Monsoon predicted date (20-May-09) may change due to the present moisture from the north-west called the western disturbance.

Going by the latest water vapor shot...

One can clearly view the push of moisture from the north-west. A DRY ridge can be seen between the two moisture systems. Comparing with previous (5 days back) water vapor images, one would have noticed a clear push of moisture from South-Arabian sea. Now as per today that moist air current from South-west has died down.

Even the cloud formations over the south-Arabian sea around 5th parallel has also disintegrated.

This may suggest a delay in monsoon. It may not set in over southern India as predicted before on 20-May-09.

"COLA/NCEP" predictions say that the monsoon will set in between 20-May-09 and 27-May-09.

Anyway we'll keep monitoring the various factors and keep the viewers updated.

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