Original from http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/Kanpur/Hottest-day-in-the-last-8-years/articleshow/4464809.cms
KANPUR: Breaking the record of the last eight years, Wednesday proved to be the hottest day in the month of April. With the maximum temperature of the day climbing to 43.8 degrees
celsius, April 29 also was recorded as the hottest day of the season so far. It seems Kanpurites are in for some terribly hot weather in coming days.
The mercury and election fever were both at their peak on Wednesday. The Met officials have predicted that the temperature is likely to stay at the same mark for the next couple of days.
On Wednesday, the maximum temperature was at an all time high of 43.8 degrees celsius, four degrees above normal. The minimum was recorded at 23 degrees celsius. According to the meteorological department, warm and dry westerly winds have caused the temperature to rise. The winds are essentially dry. Humidity on Wednesday ranged between 45 per cent and 19 per cent. The coming few days will be hot and dry," said weather scientist, Dr Anirudh Dubey.
Notably, the maximum temperature last year in April had gone up to 42.2 degrees celsius on the same day. This year, the mark has been reached several times already, the highest being 43.8 degrees celsius on April 29. According to data available with the Met department, the average maximum temperature in April is 39.9 degrees celsius. The maximum for the month of April was 44.1 degrees celsius in 2001.
Owing to the blazing sun, the streets remained deserted all through the day, despite Wednesday being the eve of the biggest democratic event. The candidates and their supporters were seen braving the scorching heat to give final touches to their preparations for the D-Day.
However, apprehensive about the heat likely to turn a spoilsport on the polling day, Dr Anirudh appealed to the denizens to not make the hot weather an excuse for abstaining from voting. "One must take preventive measures before stepping out in the sun, but must definitely go to polling booths to exercise their right. After all, we are empowered to speak our mind through vote and thus shouldn't let the chance to prove ourselves as responsible citizens of the country go waste," added Dr Anirudh
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