Friday, October 28, 2011

chennai - just now 10:07pm had a sharp 10min shower over pammal, polichalur zones.
RT @akaasi: Blasting rain in Coimbatore starts at 8.35 pm @weatherofindia
Today a strong Anti-cyclone is over N-W Madhyapradesh and it'll spread into entire central India and persist till 3-Nov.
6pm, Very heavy rain along Gulf mannar, S.Tip Tamilnadu and Srilanka.. ..
6pm, as "95A" slowly moves W-N-W.. the S.Bay circulation has moved over S.Srilanka and Very heavy rain seen over Gulf mannar
6pm, "95A" is now over S.central Arabian sea and getting a whirl to it ..
S. Tamilnadu will have very heavy rainfall on Sunday and Monday... ..
S. Tamilnadu and entire coastal Tamilnadu will pick up strong showers again from morning of 29-Oct..
A strong easterlies is now over S,S-E Bay and it'll reach Tamilnadu coast on 29-Oct.. and continue till Monday..
LOW over S-S-W Arabian sea persists and IMD model suggests a W-N-W move but COLA suggests a N-W move and then North..