Monday, April 04, 2016

5-Apr, The low-level trough line over peninsula is expected to be from N Chatisgarh to Telangana to NW Tamilnadu ..
.. this will mean westerlies over most of Peninsula.
Temperatures expected to rise !
T showers will pop along W zones of trough line.

In 36hrs, scattered T showers for N,NW,W Karnataka, S,W,NW,N Maharastra into S,SW Madhyapradesh !
Scattered T showers also for Chatisgarh and Odisha during next 36hrs.

During next 2 days..
Above normal Day temps will persist over Tamilnadu, S,E Karnataka, S,central Andhra ...
Super #HOT day expected over Uttarpradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand and Bengal on 5,6-Apr !

Next WD upper-level trough is expected to reach N,NW India on Wednesday morning ...

Today, LWD seen all along W-ghats from NW Karnataka to S-tip Tamilnadu ...
LWD also seen from NE Andhra to S Bengal !
At 850hpa level, a weak mini trough seen from S,SE Madhyapradesh to E Maharastra ... that's why T showers seen now along S Maha & Telangana

5pm, Line of T showers from NW,N Karnataka to S,SE Maharastra ...
5pm, scattered T showers also seen over NE Andhra into S,NE Odisha and SW Bengal !

Today at low-levels, a trough seen from N Bihar, N Bengal to N Bay.. pushing moisture into Bangladesh, NE states ...
More HEAVY T showers ahead for many zones of NE states in next 36hrs ...

In 36hrs, scattered T showers will pop over and along W-ghats of Kerala, Tamilnadu and SW Karnataka, S,central Kerala and S-tip Tamilnadu

April 04, 2016 at 04:43PM

For more tweets follow :: @weatherofindia

April 04, 2016 at 02:00PM

For more tweets follow :: @weatherofindia