N.Bay expected to Pop another circulation on 20-Jul over N.Bay, S.Bengal & Bangladesh ..
Offshore trough along S-W coast is weak, it extends upto Karnataka coast.. and will stay that way till 16-Jul..
The remnant of N.India circulation can be seen over Uttarakand, W.UP at Low & medium levels ..
Monsoon current can be seen pushing into S.Pakistan, W,S-W Gujarat ... it'll become more intense in next 2 days..
By 16-Jul, a medium level circulation expected over N.Chatisgarh, E.Madhyapradesh initially it'll move N-N-E into Bihar.
By 17-Jul, the circulation over Bihar will be at medium & upper levels ..
Today there's an UAC over Punjab, W.Haryana, and it's expected to last another 12 to 24hrs. Showers possible till 16-Jul
Today, 2 more UAC seen, one over S-E Arabian sea along Lakshadweep & another over S-central Bay.. both will vanish in another 24hrs.
N-E Arabian sea, S-W of Gujarat may pop an UAC on 17-Jul...
http://ow.ly/i/LLqJ >> This will start the rains again over Coastal Maharastra