Saturday, June 15, 2013

RT @aknarendranath: @weatherofindia Good rains in Palakkad, Kerala. (6:41pm)

RT @valprajj: @weatherofindia rains lashing jayanagara, bangalore. (6:35pm)

RT @shrirangsamant: @weatherofindia >> #Mumbai Rain today ... 

6:45pm, Isolated sharp showers seen lashing S-E.coast, N.coast of Tamilnadu. Chance of sharp shower over #Chennai as well..!
Till tomorrow evening, HEAVY rain expected ALL over Madhyapradesh and into entire Uttarpradesh ... 

During next 36hrs, VERY heavy rain expected for Uttarakand and into central,W.Nepal .

Heavy and widespread rain for Maharastra coast, #Mumbai and S,S-E Gujarat to continue during next 2 days.!

Rainfall is expected to increase ALL along Karnataka coast and Kerala from tomorrow.. and continue till 19-Jun.

W.D trough is expected to drift away to East from N.India. Rainfall will clear from Kashmir, Himachal, Punjab,Rajasthan, Haryana from Monday
Today, the LOW, low and mid level circulation is seen over S.Chatisgarh and E.Maharastra ... 

The upper level circulation associated with the LOW is seen over E-central Maharastra ... 

Meanwhile, a W.D trough at upper levels have reached N,N-W.India and this is acting on the Peninsular LOW to move North or N-N-E.

The upper level circulation of the LOW is expected to push N,N-E towards Uttarpradesh crossing Madhyapradesh in next 24hrs.

The lower and mid level circulation is expected to push up to S,central.Uttarpradesh on 17-Jun and vanish... 

Due to Northerly movememt of LOW into Madhyapradesh, the "super sunday" alert for #Mumbai, S,S-E Gujarat is removed, but showers to continue

The offshore trough from S.Gujarat coast to central Kerala coast persists and will during next 3 days.! 
RT @sanjeevnaique: @weatherofindia its cloudy and no sign of rain in #Margao in #Goa. This evening.  Occassional drizzle do come ! (5:29pm)

RT @shrirangsamant: @weatherofindia  Rain and clouded weather. . Nice breeze.  Here in Mumbai (5:38pm)

#Chennai - 5:35pm, NO sea breeze yet, but signs are there. Drizzles or sharp showers possible before 9pm.
4:30pm, Heavy rains have drifted into S.Madhypradesh ... 

4:30pm, Heavy rain seen all along Maharastra coast, satellite shows that circulation has moved into S.Madhyapradesh.

4:30pm, lots of T.showers popping over most of Madhyapradesh, S,central,W.Rajasthan, S-E.Uttarpradesh ...

Rain over Punjab, Maharastra, S.Bengal

Kolkata - 10:22am,
spells of showers lashing the city"
" Its raining . Its raining in all over central and north kolkata."

Mallout, Punjab - 10:30am,
"at 10 am heavy raining in malout. its monsoon type rain "

12:30pm, Heavy rain seen over Punjab, N.Rajasthan, W,N-W.Himachal ... 

12:30pm, Due to LOW, Heavy rain seen over most of N,N-E,N-W,central,E,S.Maharastra, S.Chatisgarh, S.Madhyapradesh..

12:30pm, Showers continue along Maharastra coast and Goa...

12:30pm, Heavy and scattered rain also seen over S.Bengal, N-E.Odisha...