Wednesday, December 15, 2010

RT @paulinedanelia: Chennai, After Rain
6pm, Isolated thunder cells over S.central Tamilnadu and N.Gulf Mannar... these t.cells forming after a gap of 4 days..
RT @sanjeevirao: @weatherofindia moderae rain in Vellore for an hour @balajisanjeev .. (3:14pm)
11:30am, Still some medium high cloud cover seen over entire Tamilnadu, S. Karnataka and S. Andhra...
RT @narain: @weatherofindia Rained for an hr in KK Nagar, Chennai between 12.00-1.30 pm
RT @balajisanjeev: Started raining in Meenambakkam, Chennai, mild though. @weatherofindia (12:36pm)
Chennai - Can expect more scattered sharp drizzles and showers all thru the day.
More on "Anti - Cyclone" ...
Fairly widespread medium showers expected all along Tamilnadu coast starting from 20-Dec.. will last till 23-Dec..
A Low circulation is also expected over S.Bay near S-E Srilanka on 22-Dec...
Easterlies will start to fill S-E and S. Bay starting from 17-Dec.. A rain making easterly wave expected to reach Central TN caost on 20-Dec
What is "Anti - Cyclone" ...?? ...
Yesterday's Anti-Cyclone over S-W Bay.. still persists...
RT @balajisanjeev: Cloudy sky over Pammal, Chennai. Mild rains yesterday. Today? @weatherofindia
Chennai - mild sharp showers continue today morning as well over S, S-E and S-W suburbs of chennai.