#Chennai - 1pm, Airport records 38 C with humidity around 49% and almost a "Still" day . #iwm "Hot 3 days ahead, may not cross 40 C " — Indian Weather Man (@weatherofindia) May 22, 2016
#Chennai - 1pm, Airport records 38 C with humidity around 49% and almost a "Still" day . #iwm "Hot 3 days ahead, may not cross 40 C "
1pm, Where is Cyclone #Roanu ?? mostly clear India with showers seen over S-tip Tamilnadu.. #iwm http://pic.twitter.com/4yGr6lkegU — Indian Weather Man (@weatherofindia) May 22, 2016
1pm, Where is Cyclone #Roanu ?? mostly clear India with showers seen over S-tip Tamilnadu.. #iwm http://pic.twitter.com/4yGr6lkegU