Friday, March 08, 2013

3pm, Showers popping over most of S.Karnataka and over Central,S,W.Tamilnadu ...

Showers over #Kerala and W.S.Tamilnadu to persist till Sunday ...

Present W.D is expected to give rain for Kashmir alone, some isolated rain also possible for Himachal & Punjab during next 24hrs.
Yesterday, #Mumbai recorded a max of 40.5 C and Adampur (Punjab) recorded a low temp of 10.2 C.

At 2:40pm, Ahmedabad records a high of 39 C, Nagpur = 38 C and #Mumbai = 36 C.
@anantha >> #Chennai - 10% chance of rain before 1pm and after that ZERO chance of rain during next 5 days!

9am, showers seen over some parts of central,N #Kerala, S-W Karnataka and S-central,W.Tamilnadu ...

9am, W.D is nearing Kashmir ...

During next 24hrs, showers expected over North N-E states and rain to persist over most of #Kerala, S,W.Tamilnadu..