Saturday, March 30, 2013

At 3pm, Bangalore = 34 c, #Chennai = 33 C, Kolkata = 32 C, Mumbai = 32 C, Ahmedabad = 35 C and Nagpur = 41 C
Next W.D is expected to reach Kashmir on Tuesday ... 
The moisture present over Tamilnadu and Kerala to persist for another 5 days, so rain to persist along W.Ghats of Kerala, W,S.tip Tamilnadu

During next 3 days, the circulation over N,central Karnataka to become strong ...

Due to this circulation, T.showers expected over S,S-W,central,N.Karantaka from tomorrow till Tuesday ...

#Bangalore - may get a T.shower on 31-Mar, 1-Apr .
2pm, W.D rain has almost cleared out from N,N-W,N-central India ... 

Today, a trough can be seen from S.Bihar to N-E Maharastra ...

2pm, Due to trough from S.Bihar to N-E Maharastra, showers seen over Jaharkand and into Bengal ...

Today, a weak circulation persists over S.Maharastra and over N,interior Karnataka ...