Wednesday, March 07, 2012

chennai - Till 10-Mar, wind will be from S, S-E and direction will change to E, E-N-E with high humidity due to upcoming easterlies.
chennai - Day temp. will go down by 2 deg from 10/11-Mar and stay there till 15-Mar...
Present scattered rain over North N-E states will go down from 10-Mar !
The present W.D will die over Uttarakand, Himachal and Nepal on 9-Mar.. and next is expected around 12/13-Mar..
An easterlies may reach S. Tamilnadu, Srilanka on 13-Mar...
From 9-Mar, entire peninsula will have mild day & night temp....
N, N-W, W, Central India has cooled down today ...
Minimum temperatures fell by 6 to ­7°C  over some parts of  Punjab and Haryana
chennai - Touched a max of 32.5°C (12:28pm)... and now 4pm wind is from S-E