Saturday, June 18, 2011

Chennai - has in fact touched a max. temp of 38 deg C at around 3:50pm
A break Arabian sea monsoon is expected from today till 27-Jun, some showers expected over Maharastra coast all thru these days.
As expected the Arabian sea wing of Monsoon is loosing its strength.
Chennai - During June,July always have a chance of getting a surprise shower after 4 pm. And this'll be very localized and will move fast.
As the South-west monsoon has lost its Fizz along S-W peninsula coast... Chennai may not have the evening surprise shower for another 5 days
Chennai - Having a HOT day with gusty wind from W-S-W ... temp. touched a max of 35.7 C (2:15pm)
Here's the latest on cloud activity over LOW system over Jharkand ... very heavy showers ahead in its path ..
RT @dayabati: the only thing missing today is rain... =D mysore .. (3:45pm)
N.Bay Low is now inland over Jharkand, S-W Bengal and N.Orissa .. and it's moving West ...
RT @rajugana: Baroda 10.20am, Yest , No rain after slight drizzle in the morning 37.6-27C. Now it's sunny with passing clouds from SW.
RT @bheemaupadhyaya: sunny windy at south west bangalore @weatherofindia :-D (12:50pm)
RT @Manoj_tweetz: s freezing n kodaikanal :) :) Awesome climate!!!

Upper Bhavani and Avalanchi are wetter than Devala ??

June 23, 2007
Avalanchi received a record 562 mm rain followed by Upper Bhavani 475, Emerald 280, Gudalur 145, Ketti 140, Naduvatam 140, Devala 127, Glenmorgan 92, Kundah 80 and Ooty 70.

July 18, 2009
upper bhavani - 503 mm, avalanchi - 454 mm. . emerald - 83 mm. glenmorgan - 83 mm. porthimund - 183 mm. geddai - 6 mm. pillur 5 mm. parsons valley - 131 mm.
moyar - 116 mm

August 6, 2007
Avalanchi received 312 mm of rainfall, Upper Bhavani - 175, Naduvattam - 164, Gudalur - 145, Devala - 110, Glenmorgan - 102, Kundah - 49 and Ooty - 24.

July 04, 2006
Upper Bhavani recorded 258 mm of rainfall, Devala - 110; Naduvattam - 90; Emerald - 69; Glenmorgan - 63; Kundah - 39; Gudalur - 30 and Udhagamandalam - 30.

June 2, 2011
Upper Bhavani recorded 234 mm of rainfall, Devala: 200,Avalanchi: 100, Ketti: 86, Emerald: 76, Kundah Bridge: 56, Glenmorgan: 53, Naduvattam: 48.5, Geddhai: 48, Kinnakorai: 40, Coonoor: 31, Udhagamandalam: 30.9, Burliar and Kotagiri: 23 mm each.

August 01, 2005
Upper Bhavani recorded 209 mm, Devala:200, Gudalur:141, Naduvattam:115,Glenmorgan:54 and Avalanchi:53.

July 24, 2005
Upper Bhavani recorded 156 mm; Devala - 127 mm; Avalanchi - 115 mm; Gudalur - 86 mm; Glenmorgan - 52 mm; Naduvattam - 70 mm; Emerald - 60 mm; Ketti - 26 mm and Udhagamandalam - 16 mm.

July 26, 2005
Upper Bhavani, recorded 251 mm of rain Avalanchi: 202, Emerald:91, Gudalur:91, Devala:70, Kundah:59, Glenmorgan:37, Naduvattam:36, Ketti: 34,Ooty:25 and Kinnakorai:25.

May 30, 2006
Upper Bhavani recorded 167 mm, Avalanchi:152, Devala:90, Naduvattam:86 and Gudalur:59.
Heavy showers all night over S. Bengal, Jharkand, N. Orissa ... and Very heavy rains forecast for next 48 hrs..