Friday, January 11, 2013

Rajkot - #IndvEng #Cricket .. Temp. at 5:35pm was 29.3 C, Mild wind from NE at 11.3 km/hr... "RingRoad Weather Station" 
Today the anti-cyclone is seen over N-E.Arabian sea.. this will move into Maharastra in next 24 hrs...

As the Anti-cyclone moves into Maharastra, the warm day conditions will move into W,Central India .. 

COLD day conditions are expected to be back over N,N-W India from 14-Jan !!
Most of the moisture has left Tamilnadu.. some low level moisture will persist along Tamilnadu coast till 13 / 14-Jan. 

At low levels the winds from N-W India are seen pushing upto central Bay and along Andhra coast ...

2:30pm, Tamilnadu is clear with some low cloud formation along coast, while N.India waits for W.D ..

Showers persisting along S.Srilanka ... >> and will for another 2 days.
A moderate W.D is nearing N,N-W India.. Rain/ snow expected from early hrs of 12-Jan ... 

Due to W.D today Thick FOG was observed along North Uttar pradesh, Bihar and N.Bengal alone .

Till 8:30am today, lowest minimum temperature of 1.2°C  has been recorded at Bareilly (Uttar Pradesh)

The upcoming W.D will clear out around evening tomorrow.. cloudy morning expected over some parts of N.India tomorrow.
RT @rajugana:  Bangalore 10.10am, Clear skies, bright sunshine; Foggy in the morning and chillness in the air. Day time is like Summer !!