Squall lines generally form along or ahead of cold fronts and drylines and can produce severe weather in the form of heavy rainfall, strong winds, large hail, and frequent lightning.
Squall lines can extend to hundreds of miles in length, simultaneously affecting several states at a time. They also can travel quickly -- at speeds up to 60 mph. |
Squall lines typically form in unstable atmospheric environments in which low-level air can rise unaided after being initially lifted (e.g., by a front) to the point where condensation of water vapor occurs. Heat is released during condensation, resulting in the rising air becoming lighter than nearby air at the same height. This leads to an increase in the speed of the rising air which sometimes reaches speeds above 30 mph. In models this initial lifting is specified through an idealization of the flow associated with the front or other lifting mechanism or through the use of observational flow information.
courtesy: wm2010 : University of Illinois |