Monday, October 11, 2010

Mumbai Rainfall measured from Monday 8.30 am till 3 pm :
Colaba: 12 mms, S'Cruz: 17 mms.

Current temperature at 4 pm: 24.4c

Condition: Overcast with drizzle.

RT @rajugana: @weatherofindia, Baroda, 1.30pm.. it is cloudy with drizzing a snap
Chennai - Some showers possible in late evening or after midnight into early morning of 12-Oct
Chennai - medium high cloud cover so far thru the day.. now 1:23pm, temp is at 30.7 C and wind is from W-N-W.
Central Tamilnadu is in for thunder storms in another 1 hrs.
RT @rajugana: @weatherofindia, Baroda 10.25am, partly cloudy, surprising...will it rain????
Initially "97 B" will move in a W-N-W direction towards Andhra in next 48 hrs.
12pm, Take a look at the cloud activity associated with "97 B" over Bay ...
A Low pressure area "97 B" has formed over central Bay and it'll be more marked in another 24hrs...
Monday Morning Drenchers !Sudden Heavy Showers drench South Mumbai at 8.15 a.m.