Monday, March 02, 2015

RT @rajugana: @weatherofindia Bangalore 4.00pm, Sunny day.. formation of clouds in the horizons. a pic 

RT @SkymetWeather: #Jammu-#Srinagar highway shut due to heavy #snowfall READ MORE: #Kashmir @weatherofindia 

6:30pm, W.D has almost fizzled out.. cloudy with rain over Uttarpradesh, Bihar, N,central Bengal,N,central MP... 
6:30pm, Showers seen over E,S-E Kashmir, Himachal and upper reaches of Uttarakhand ...
6:30pm, T showers seen over S,N-W Tamilnadu, S Kerala and W-ghats Kerala, Tamilnadu, S Karnataka, S,central Andhra due to LWD.
LWD = Line of Wind Discontinuity