This rainy spell is very unsual at this time of year.
Chennai is experiencing frequent heavy & sharp showers from evening of 12-Mar-08.
Initially it was light... and now (14-Mar-08) it's heavy with more frequency and even with Thunder.
Past 24 hr rain record = 20.2mm
Yesterday = 15.6 mm
Crossing the monthly average...Monthly Rain - 32.4mm (Mar. normal - 3 mm)
Let's look at WHY this phenomenon????
There's lot of moisture over the southern bay of bengal & the wind direction is almost equal to a north-east monsoon.
Look at it...
The COLA- Numeric forecast suggests a Deep Low formation over the southern Bay of bengal over the next 48 hrs.
Take a look...
As i finish writing this post, there's a huge thunderstorm rolling in from East