original from http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601091&sid=az9hF1q4RQtA&refer=india
April 30 (Bloomberg) -- A heat wave in northern and western India may spread to more regions before abating by the weekend, the country's weather office said.
Temperatures in New Delhi climbed to 43.5 degrees Celsius (110.3 Fahrenheit) yesterday, the highest in 50 years and five degrees Celsius more than normal, the India Meteorological Department said on its Web site.
The heat wave has killed at least 67 people, with 9 deaths being reported in the eastern Orissa state, the Press Trust of India said. Temperatures reached 47.1 degrees Celsius in Nagpur in the western state of Maharashtra yesterday, the agency said.
The hot weather conditions may spread to parts of Andhra Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh in two days, the weather bureau said.
India's monsoon rains, forecast to be near normal this year, may arrive a week earlier than the normal June 1 date, the bureau said earlier this week. The nation's central region may receive more rainfall than last year, while showers in the southern parts of the country will be same as last year, it said.
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