Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Gujarat quake anniversary - 2011 ...
IMD :: More rain gauges for Maharastra ...
Brunei's - Brunei's unusually wet weather - La Nina effect ...

With Genghis Khan as their new icon, climate activists now openly flaunt their anti-human ideology

“Genghis Khan and his Mongol hordes had an impact on the global carbon cycle as big as today’s annual demand for gasoline.”
A study published by the website from San Diego State University goes so far to calculate one car is of 18 human equivalents. Accordingly, if Genghis Khan killed 40 million people, this is tantamount to 2,222,222 Genghis Khan Equivalents! Put simply, Genghis Khan and his Mongol hordes had an impact on the global carbon cycle as big as today’s annual demand for gasoline!

The study claimed that the Mongol invasion scrubbed off nearly 700 million tons of carbon from the atmosphere, cooling the planet as it roughly equals the amount of carbon global society now produces annually from gasoline.  Climate Depot blog further reported that the study concluded:

“Over the course of the century and a half run of the Mongol Empire, about 22 percent of the world's total land area had been conquered and an estimated 40 million people were slaughtered by the horse-driven, bow-wielding hordes. Depopulation over such a large swath of land meant that countless numbers of cultivated fields eventually returned to forests.

In other words, one effect of Genghis Khan's unrelenting invasion was widespread reforestation, and the re-growth of those forests meant that more carbon could be absorbed from the atmosphere...the longevity of the Mongol invasion made it stand out as having the biggest impact on the world's climate."
Read more:
Chennai - For the past 3 days, min. temp is not at all minimum... today it was 23.5 C (4:46am)... and this'll continue till 1st week of Feb
Here's the SST chart of Bay .. as on 25-Jan, 11:30 IST...
@uniqgiri >> With latest GFS models, N. Tamilnadu have only 5% chance of rain during the upcoming easterlies and UAC / Low system(s)
100% chance that the S-E Bay will host a cyclone but it may die while travelling west bcoz the SST of S-E bay is high compared to S-W bay.

‘El Nino-to-La Nina flip in 2010 rapidest ever'

Last year's transition from El Nino to La Nina was about the most sudden ever, according to Dr Tony Barnston, Chief Forecaster, International Research Institute (IRI) for Climate and Society at Columbia University.
Rapid flips like this in the past have ended up precipitating a two-year La Nina, such as right after the El Nino episodes of 1972-73 and 1997-98.
The likelihood of this happening with the current La Nina is unknown, Dr Barnston says.
The term La Nina refers to a period of cooler-than-average sea-surface temperatures in the eastern and central equatorial Pacific Ocean that occurs as part of natural climate variability.
La Nina has been found to correlate well with a reasonably good concurrent Indian monsoon, though without any direct cause-effect relationship.
This situation is roughly the opposite of what happens during El Nino events, when waters in above-mentioned Pacific region are warmer-than-normal.
A strong El Nino, as witnessed during 2009, has correspondingly been associated with dry or drought conditions in India, but with honourable exceptions as in 1997.

Both are part of a larger climate cycle known as the El Nino-Southern Oscillation, or ENSO.
“Even if we do have a second year of La Nina developing in northern hemisphere summer 2011, we expect at least a brief return to neutral conditions from May to July of 2011,” he added.
Based on current observations and on predictions from models, the IRI sees at least a 90 per cent chance that La Nina conditions will continue through March 2011.
Because the Pacific is the largest ocean on the planet, any significant changes in average conditions there, such as those that occur during La Nina or El Nino, can have consequences for temperature, rainfall and vegetation in faraway places.

Once developed, La Nina conditions typically persist for 9-12 months, peaking sometime during November, December, or January.
But 2010 was an interesting and lively year for climate scientists, the IRI recalls.

For the first four months of this year, El Nino conditions prevailed in the tropical Pacific, but that quickly changed, and by June, a La Nina pattern had emerged.
Since 1950, the world experienced six major La Niña events, which were linked to widespread flooding in some areas.
What La Niña does is increase the likelihood that certain areas will get above-normal or below-normal rainfall. Hence, it can be associated with droughts as well.
It keeps east Africa drier-than-usual, sparking food-security concerns in areas lacking irrigation, including parts of Somalia, Kenya, Ethiopia and Tanzania.
Areas in southeastern South America, central southwest Asia, and the southern US may also see lower-than-normal rainfall for the first quarter of 2011.
But La Nina probably isn't to blame for the recent flooding in southeastern Brazil, says Dr Barnston.
The more likely culprit there was a pocket of above-average sea-surface temperatures in the southwest Atlantic that promoted low atmospheric pressure and an increased tendency for heavy rainfall, he says.
Cyclone over S-E Bay on 1-Feb ... ... Will it strike Srilanka ?? or Will it materialize ?? ... not shared by other GFS
Surprise !! IMD-GFS is predicting a CYCLONE to form over S-E Bay on 1-Feb ... and expected to become severe !! ??..
As of now, the upcoming UAC is predicted to give heavy rain for S-E and Central Tamilnadu on 1,2-Feb...
The present Easterlies is so strong that it'll produce a UAC and Low pressure system over S. Bay on 29-Jan..
Present easterlies all along S. Bay will get stronger from 28-Jan and Srilanka will get Heavy showers till 30-Jan...
Next western disturbance for Kashmir will start from evening of 28-Jan.
3:30pm, As expected.. due to Easterlies Heavy showers again over E, central and N.central Srilanka ...
RT @ecoseed: What is hydrogen fuel? What are the latest buzz about it?
Min temps falling again over N-W India ... Lowest minimum temperature of 1.6  C was been recorded at Ludhiana (Punjab)