Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Chennai - Very less rain expected till 4-Sep and it'll be very windy at times.
Chennai - This strong S-W wind to get even more strong and continue till 4-Sep... according to IMD GFS model.
Chennai - this is the present wind pattern over Chennai .. upto a height of 3km...
Chennai - This is due to strong S-W wind from ground to 3 km height... this'll not allow strong Sea breeze to set in and a T.cell to form.
Chennai - expected to get heavy T.showers on today and Yesterday... but nothing came up. .. Why ??
Nagercoil - a sharp shower swept across at around 7:10pm
As fresh monsoon wave sets in over S.Arabian sea, Heavy widespread rain forecast for entire S-W peninsula for next 72hrs.
Gujarat circulation has moved into N.Arabian sea...
Today's analysis show, the established cross equatorial winds over S. Arabian sea..
6:30pm, Heavy rain has started over coastal Karnataka and entire Kerala due to fresh wave of S-W monsoon current..
6:30pm, Heavy rain over N.Karnataka, Central and E.Maharastra...
6:30pm, Heavy showers over W,S-E Rajasthan and into central, S.central Pakistan ...